🔥 New feature 1: store datasets on IPFS/Filecoin for fast share/retrieve by add link in article. Example article 1: 100GiB+ machine translation dataset( Under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license)
🔥 New feature 2: store articles on IPFS/Filecoin to avoid 404. Example article: Trust (The article will be stored in Filecoin network when the author decides to do so)
🔥 New feature 3: Rewards creators and sharers with Filecoin & Likecoin. Example article: Trust (You can send author/sharer Filecoin if you like)
Record action of dreamers
sync filecoin daemon and create wallet (wallet-address and private_key) read ipns(on-filecoin) articles (optional: send filecoin as gift) !!!(author will happy) - INFO-on-chain-minimum user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address !!!(more privacy) - INFO-on-chain-open user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address & ipns-address - INFO-on-chain-public user-wallet-address & article-wallet-address & ipns-address & ipfs-address !!!(more data open) - if user want to comment on article, user is create an article related on original one.
cache ipns(on-filecoin) articles on self-hosted ipfs-node (free) create another wallet (for send filecoin as gift) !!!(more privacy)
create/update article and push it to ipns(free version) create/update article and push it to ipns(on-filecoin) !!!(optional: author will pay for speed and storage) metadata in article: - ipfs of previous version (optional) - filecoin wallet address (optional) (reader maybe send coin as gift) - other coin wallet address (optional) (reader maybe send coin as gift) - upstream ipns/ipfs (optional) - related ipns/ipfs (optional) - ipfs of current content (optional)
Datters 是一个内容社区实验,旨在通过高效利用编辑的力量,发掘新作者以及推荐优秀文章,通过给作者提供多类型的服务,来帮助作者获得更合理的收入,编辑作为传播者也能收获报酬。
目前实验在 https://matters.news/ 进行中
由于众所周知的原因,本网站将无限期停止更新,感谢每位朋友的支持与厚爱,希望有天我们还能再相见。 在这欲去未去的夜色里,努力造几颗小晨星;虽没有多大的光明,也使那早行的人高兴。 —— 胡适·《晨星篇》 2019.2
可恶的微信订阅号。微信订阅号在没有把信息开放给百度、360、google这些第三方搜索引擎之前,仍然还只是一个信息孤岛。 诚然,订阅号带动了内容产业和经济,让更多人阅读。但其封闭性让其无法成为一个伟大的内容分享平台。