#EconlibReads: Capitalism and Freedom
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If you've been following our new online reading group program, #EconlibReads , on Facebook or twitter, you may have noticed we started reading a new book this week. For most of July, we'll be talking about Milton Friedman's classic _Capitalism and Freedom. _ The conversation is heating up, and we hope you'll consider joining this super fun conversation.
Below are some of the questions we've posted thus far:
- How can government be BOTH necessary to preserving our freedom AND a threat to our freedom??? "How can we benefit from the promise of government while avoiding the threat to freedom?" (page 2)
- Let's take one of Friedman's own questions… How could the freedom to advocate capitalism be preserved and protected in a socialist society? (p. 16)
- Why is economic power easier to decentralize than political power, according to Friedman? To what extent are you convinced by his reasoning?
- What are the basic roles of government in a free society, according to Friedman? Does he miss any? How clearly defined are the roles he DOES lay out?
- On page 7, Friedman notes the rise of the idea of "democratic socialism," (sound familiar???) an idea he calls a "delusion." WHY does he believe that, "a society which is socialist cannot be democratic, in the sense of guaranteeing individual freedom?" (page 8)
- On pages 15-16 Friedman asserts that it's more difficult to decentralize political power than economic. Is Friedman right? Why?
- On page 31, Friedman writes, "…neighborhood effects may justify a city park; they do not justify a national park…" What's the difference between the two for him, and why do neighborhood effects justify one but not the other???
Stay tuned; there are many more to come!
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