AI应用:基于IBM Watson的人工智能
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming our world. Whether you’re a student, developer, or a technology consultant, understanding AI and knowing how to create AI powered applications can give you an edge.
This Specialization will give you a firm understanding of AI, its applications, and its use cases. You will become familiar with IBM Watson AI services and APIs. If you have no programming background, you will be able to create AI driven chatbots as well as pick up practical Python skills to work with AI. The courses will also enable you to apply pre-built AI smarts to your products and solutions.
A learner with no prior knowledge of AI will learn to design, build, and deploy AI-powered applications on the web. Rather than create complex AI algorithms and interfaces from scratch, learners will use IBM Watson AI services and APIs to create smart applications with minimal coding. By the end of this Specialization, learners will complete several projects that showcase proficiency in applied AI.
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