人人都懂的 AI 基础
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. It is rapidly permeating all industries and having a profound impact on virtually every aspect of our existence. Whether you are an executive, a leader, an industry professional, a researcher, or a student - understanding AI, its impact and transformative potential for your organization and our society is of paramount importance.
This specialization is designed for those with little or no background in AI, whether you have technology background or not, and does not require any programming skills. It is designed to give you a firm understanding of what is AI, its applications and use cases across various industries. You will become acquainted with terms like Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Neural Networks.
Furthermore, it will familiarize you with IBM Watson AI services that enable any business to quickly and easily employ pre-built AI smarts to their products and solutions. You will also learn about creating intelligent virtual assistants and how they can be leveraged in different scenarios.
By the end of this specialization, learners will have had hands-on interactions with several AI environments and applications, and have built and deployed an AI enabled chatbot on a website – without any coding.
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