'Both sides' of the climate change debate? How bad we think it is, and how bad it really is | Greg Jericho
Link Share :https://www.theguardian.com/business/grogonomics/2019/aug/04/both-sides-of-the-climate-change-debate-how-bad-we-think-it-is-and-how-bad-it-really-is
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It’s time to stop being mealy-mouthed about this. No more silent passes to climate science deniers
Over the past couple of weeks things have been happening on the climate change front but, unfortunately, little is changing in parliament, where the government’s direct action policy has continued to be an utter failure and a Queensland LNP MP suggested in his first speech in the House of Representatives that schools should teach both sides of the climate change debate in school – to prevent them being “brainwashed with extreme left or right ideologies”.
Related: Greta Thunberg hits back at Andrew Bolt for 'deeply disturbing' column
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