Ize on the prize: is Prince Charles the last guardian of British spelling?
Link Share :https://www.theguardian.com/science/shortcuts/2019/apr/18/ize-on-the-prize-is-prince-charles-the-last-guardian-of-british-spelling
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There has been much spluttering about the prince’s use of ‘Americanisms’ in a letter to Emmanuel Macron, but the truth is more complicated
Bad news for a certain kind of pedantic patriot (look away now, Jacob Rees- Mogg). Prince Charles has debased the English language – and in a letter to a foreign potentate, no less.
Our future king has essentially committed treason by using a ghastly “American” spelling in a letter expressing sympathy and support for the French president, Emmanuel Macron, after the fire at Notre Dame this week. He wrote: “I realize only too well what a truly special significance the Cathedral holds at the heart of your nation.”
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