🔥 New feature 1: store datasets on IPFS/Filecoin for fast share/retrieve by add link in article. Example article 1: 100GiB+ machine translation dataset( Under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 license)

🔥 New feature 2: store articles on IPFS/Filecoin to avoid 404. Example article: Trust (The article will be stored in Filecoin network when the author decides to do so)

🔥 New feature 3: Rewards creators and sharers with Filecoin & Likecoin. Example article: Trust (You can send author/sharer Filecoin if you like)


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Today Quote: 人一生最大的幸运,就是在年富力强时发现了自己的人生使命。 -- 茨威格《人类群星闪耀时》